Thursday, 2 December 2010

schoolschoolschool. and the way we learn.

we're learning about poverty in geography, you know what happens, there's always that twat who laughs at the pictures of starving kids. i honestly think they have problems, i mean, come on?! who is dum enough to think that it's funny that people are in pain and they are starving, it the definition of sick. we watched a video last week which made me cry, made my teacher cry, and that was about it. the boy who's usually the laughing prick in our class has been excluded (woopiee)  so everyone payed attention all through the video. after we were set to do our work we just sat there and there was a sort of awkward tension across the room. we then learnt about how the government can help, they've built dams in Ghana which I think did fuck all (excuse me) they did create jobs though, but they also flooded 4% of Ghana and made 80000 people move out of there. i charities help more when they actually find solutions.

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