Saturday, 27 November 2010

I have a dream, to save the world.

Well, don't we all have a dream to save the world? I want to stop poverty all together. Like everyone else in the world. I really want to change the world. I don't want any starvation, no disadvantage kids. I didn't know how to start off, I thought I would start a blog to get the message across that we need this world to change and that we have to do something about poverty. I'm one person so I cannot stop it, thats why I need support. Please re-blog my pictures and messages to get more people interested. Unicef is one of the charities which I am most interested in. I really really want to stop it, thing is, I'm only 14! I don't how i'm going to do it, I want to remain anonymous until this gets more involved... I want to get involved in politics and maybe the union. Please, please, please follow me.


Jet said...

Hope ur dream comes true ^^!

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Welcome to my websites : In there where have a lot of wallpapers, themes for desktop , for mobile and themes for media . Especialy all free ^^!

tryinmakeachange. said...

Thankyou!! I didn't think anyone would notice my post, but you did, thank you! I think the world needs this dream to come true, it's everyone's dream! xxx

Happy Frog and I said...

Best of luck to you with your dream and your blog.

tryinmakeachange. said...

thank you!